Big pharma’s shot at redemption

Robert Thompson
Stoic Gazette
Published in
3 min readJan 17, 2021


The pharmaceutical industry has been much maligned in recent years. Take, for example, these price gouging scandals and the opioid epidemic. Events like this have made drug makers unloved by politicians and distrusted by investors. But as we roll out the Covid-19 vaccines, Big Pharma could have a chance at redemption.

Big Pharma’s Quest for Redemption: A Stoic Reflection

As I delve into the nuanced realm of the pharmaceutical industry, a sector marred by controversies and mistrust, the unfolding Covid-19 vaccine rollout presents a potential avenue for redemption. The Stoic philosophy, with its emphasis on virtue, ethics, and understanding one’s role within a broader context, can shed light on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

The Stoic Balancing Act

In navigating the intricate landscape of redemption, Big Pharma finds itself in a Stoic balancing act. The Stoic principle of practical wisdom urges the industry to harmonize profit motives with public-spiritedness. In cultivating a sense of virtue, drug makers can foster collaborations with public-sector institutions, aligning their goals with the greater good.

Acknowledging Contributions Beyond Profit

Stoicism prompts a reflection on humility and recognition of contributions beyond profit margins. While pharmaceutical giants may rightfully assert the need for profits to reinvest in innovation, the Stoic perspective encourages a broader acknowledgment of the collective effort. Public-private organizations, such as Gavi and Cepi, play a pivotal role, injecting substantial funds to combat global health crises.

A Stoic Call for Ethical Considerations

The Stoic philosophy advocates for ethical considerations in the pursuit of virtue. As drug companies capitalize on the redeeming opportunity presented by the Covid-19 vaccines, the Stoic ethos prompts a contemplation of the generous subsidies provided by governments and global charities. A sense of gratitude and ethical responsibility should guide the industry as it sets the price of the product.

Government Funding and Intellectual Property Rights

Examining the intersection of government funding and intellectual property rights through a Stoic lens reveals ethical considerations. AstraZeneca’s receipt of £84 million in government funds for Covid-19 vaccine development, coupled with retained intellectual property rights, prompts Stoic reflections on justice and fairness. The industry must navigate these complex dynamics with a sense of virtue and responsibility.

A Stoic Perspective on State Control

The Stoic philosophy suggests a contemplation of the role of state control in the drugs market. Medicines, viewed as a human necessity, prompt a Stoic consideration of the ethical implications of excessive profit motives. The Stoic call for wisdom in decision-making encourages a reflection on whether more state control is needed to ensure that medicines serve their essential purpose rather than fueling profit-centric machinery.

In essence, as Big Pharma embarks on this potential path to redemption, the Stoic philosophy serves as a guide, urging ethical considerations, humility, and a sense of virtue in navigating the complexities of the pharmaceutical landscape. The opportunity for redemption lies not only in the development of life-saving vaccines but also in the industry’s commitment to ethical and responsible practices.

Photo by Prasesh Shiwakoti (Lomash) on Unsplash

