The Twilight of Biden’s Presidency: A Call for Dignified Exit

Robert Thompson
2 min read4 days ago
Photo by Keagan Henman on Unsplash

Joe Biden’s political career is on life support, and it’s time to pull the plug. As someone who’s known the President since our post-9/11 travels to Afghanistan and Pakistan, it pains me to say this: Biden needs to bow out of the 2024 race, and he needs to do it now.

Last night’s debate performance was nothing short of a disaster. The man I once admired as a sharp, empathetic leader has become a stumbling, incoherent shadow of his former self. The contrast between Biden and Trump couldn’t have been starker — while Trump managed to keep his infamous interruptions in check, Biden floundered in the spotlight, trapped by his own words and the merciless ticking of the clock.

The President’s team thought they were being clever by insisting on controlled speaking times, but their strategy backfired spectacularly. Instead of protecting Biden, it only served to highlight his decline. His rambling attempts to fill his allotted time were painful to watch, with gems like “We finally beat Medicare” leaving viewers baffled and concerned.

At 81, Biden’s age isn’t just a number — it’s become a liability. The dignity of the office demands more than what he can offer. His family and staff must surely see this, yet they persist in this charade, perhaps out of loyalty or fear of the alternatives.

